Read what others have to say about Gateway and how it added to their lives …
Gateway yielded tremendous results in my personal life, career and within the company I manage. I am delighted to say that our company is now on a different playing field and my life has moved to a different level.
I have a broader understanding of people, in communicating I can really get through to them and I am more acute to my surroundings. My relationships have become more meaningful, intimate and enjoyable.

James Grcic
Managing Director, CSSI Africa (Pty) Ltd
The Gateway course has showed me how to connect to my inner self and discover what was truly important to me. Skills I developed as a result of these courses (the advanced courses too) have helped me achieve many important goals and have put me on the path to realizing my dreams! Gateway has made an enormous difference in my ability to relate to my family, friends, colleagues, and the people in my community. In my family as well, I found myself able to establish relationships beyond the point where they normally would have stopped.
As a result, the foundation we've created together has become a source of strength that carries us easily through life's ups and downs.

Tumi Nkosi
Entrepreneur, Business Owner
Gateway was such a paradigm shift for me. It liberated me of so many misconceptions I had about myself and the world around me. This was the best experiential workshop I have ever attended so much so that I am encouraging all the staff to attend and I have made sure that there is training budget allocated for all staff members for this purpose
I am grateful to Life Dynamics Training for this awesome life changing experience.

Monica Singer
Chief Executive Officer, STRATE Ltd
Gateway and the advanced courses have given me the tools and vision to improve both my professional and private life. Many courses and workshops have given the “aha” moments, but few have provided techniques to use in everyday life. My life has improved in three major ways since Gateway: relationships, setting and completing goals, and stress reduction. Through Gateway I found the courage and confidence to move beyond personal limitations and achieve greater levels of advancement, self-expression, and effectiveness.
Vasili Haritopoulos
Commercial Pilot

As a teacher, wife and mother, my communication skills have increased dramatically in my classroom and in my home. I developed a better ability to listen between the lines, and even beyond them. I can really connect at a deep level with those around me and get what I am saying through to them in a powerful way. This has directly impacted into all my relationships allowing for a wonderful new depth of intimacy and communication. These relationships have become a space for celebration and freedom that I did not know was available before.

Patricia Simon
High School Teacher
In 2003 a co-worker told me how excited she was about a workshop she just attended and thought I would equally appreciate it. I put her off on the next two classes, waiting for the "right" time for my significant other to join me. When she asked me how much longer I was going to wait for someone else I said no longer - I'm on the next course... Since then I have participated in some capacity at least once a year either as support staff or student. As a result, I feel rooted in some basic principles that make my life work better and relationships seem richer when applied. And the biggest bonus of all is the lifelong friends I have met along the way.
Jacqueline Rhodes
Account Executive
I love where I am now!
What you have managed to do for me in my life, many people have tried and failed. I had so many big realizations through the many processes we did and it just feels incredible to meet and be the REAL me.

Greg Beukes
Dive Instructor & Resort Manager
Today truly is the first day of the rest of my life and how I react to it is up to me. I have the ability and potential to achieve anything that I am willing to commit to.
Mogammed Kaldine
Before Gateway I was confused about this ‘life thing’. I must admit that I felt it was a little pointless lately. (Definitely I was not having much fun). I don’t think there are words to express how I feel today. It has opened the ‘bridge’ to that pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow!! AND IT’S HUGE and I can use it in so many ways!!!
I am only now realising the full impact of Gateway, it has brought so much focus and clarity back into my life. I am ecstatic and at the same time, very serene.
Carroline Ravenell
Business Strategist